Saturday, May 30, 2009

great after taste

I decided to write about a designer I have never heard of until skimming the fashion week articles and blogs. Ula Zukowska made a real impression at Fashion week. Her monochromatic collection was a hit. I have to first start off with giving kudos to her sewing team. The sheer amount of pieces in this collection is astounding; from leg coverings, arm cuffs, and hats all in a collection full of layers, this collection clearly was labour intensive. Aside from the opening piece I loved the collection. The first piece was reminiscent of a potato sack. Ula should left the spuds at home.
The rest of her collection thankfully is a potato famine. Her use of texture and tailoring made for such a wonderful show. Her black formal dress stole the show with its deliberate ease and mix of fabrics.
Although monochromatic Ula kept the show interesting with her flecks of metallics and furs. Ula incorporated an equestrian look to many of her pieces in this collection. These subtleties however are lost on me and I feel give her pieces less wearability.
At least Ula is keeping it Canadian with Canada's Next Top Model Cycle 2 winner rebecca starring in her show. Ula was really able to create an interesting collection at fashion week. Looking at her past work however I know she was presenting a dulled down more traditional look at fashion week to offset her edgy pieces of the past.

2.5 tastes of out 5

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Acquired Taste

Wow, long time no see.

Lucien Matis was one of the better known designers at LG Toronto Fashion Week due to his stint on Project runway. This clearly outdoors inspired collection is probably one of the most eclectically cohesive collections I have ever seen. If I ever get a job where I am put in an office I will be wearing lucien matis designs every day (and probably getting sent home to change every day). Luciens collection offers outer wear, formal wear and casual attire. I was particularly attracted to his more structured designs that offer a sophisticated casualness.

If I ever had to go to an event that allowed me to get all fancied up his black antler frock would be the answer.
Lucien has created designs that just take a step over the norm forcing the timid yet fashion savvy woman to take the step with him. I usually shudder at the idea of gimmicky accessorizing but Lucien has managed to make it part of the design.


Hey Mr. Matis! Good on you.
4 tastes out of 5