I digress. Bustle has always been awesome and they have totally brought us a beautiful collection once again. It is hard to create menswear and make it look unique. Bustle does an amazing job.
On a personal note, the running shoes really add to my love for this collection. Mens dresshoes are awful these days.
Bustle put some of there menswear on female models. It was classy and well done (aside from the sock choices). Not shocking but refreshing. The young urban looks created by bustle are so well edited that the result is so perfectly interesting with a hint of practicality. These people deserve to be as rich as they are.
I know that I have said before I am not a fan of gimicks however I find the props endearing.
4.5 out of 5 tastes
the last guy is obnoxious but i luv his shoes. wonder if they come in a size fifteen for under 50 bucks. ;)